
Opening Segment
The “Final Resolution” Impact Wrestling special kicks off with a video package highlighting AJ Styles winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory, leaving the company with the belt, Magnus and Jeff Hardy making it to the finals of the tournament, and the what is inside of the Feast or Fired cases.
Backstage Magnus asks where Dixie Carter is, and the stagehand states she hasn’t checked in. He asks where Jeff Hardy is and gets the same answer. He is asked if he wants them to be called and Magnus says not to bother, “I’m going to say something to get both of their attention.”
Inside the new Impact Zone in Orlando Florida, Magnus comes out and tells the fans that he loves pro wrestling and that is why he and everyone else backstage went through hell and drove all the miles. Magnus jokes that he can’t change where he’s from, but for the past five years, he’s made his living in the United States. One thing he’s learned from living in the US, it’s all about money, but not for him. “It’s been about pride, honor, dignity respect. But I wonder if the same thing can be said about my opponent: Jeff Hardy?” An audible Jeff Hardy chant and Magnus says that he’s a fan of Hardy’s and he slayed every one of his demons. Magnus says that maybe Jeff didn’t overcome all of his demons. He has one left, and that is greed. The video is played from last week of Jeff Hardy meeting Dixie Carter backstage. Magnus says he owes everyone an explanation and tells everyone to not let Jeff Hardy fool them.
Jeff Hardy walks down the ramp in a normal manor without the face paint. “You jumped to that conclusion after one moment in time? Do you know who I am?” Magnus cuts off Hardy and says that he didn’t forget 10.10.10 (where Hardy joined Immortal) and Hardy yells that it was a different person and a different place. Magnus says that it was in a wrestling ring and he took the money and ran with the World Championship and Magnus states that Hardy is going to do it again. “Everyone forgave you and what will they think if you sold out?” Hardy yells for Magnus to “worry about your own life, don’t worry about mine!” Mike Tenay notes on commentary that this is unlike Hardy not to give an answer.
Christy Hemme is backstage with Kurt Angle at the interview platform and Angle talks about declining his Hall of Fame induction, losing his return match against Bobby Roode, and getting knocked out of the World Title Tournament. Roode has his number, but tonight he’s going to beat Roode twice. “This is not the end of Kurt Angle, it is only the beginning.”
((Jarrett’s Jab – I don’t know if it’s so wise to tease a Jeff Hardy heel turn and mention his personal demons in the same promo. I think most people are still trying to forget the mockery he made of pro wrestling at Victory Road, and I still question Eric Bischoff’s judgment for letting him come out and not having someone from Immortal replace him in the match. The fans managed to forgive him the first time, I don’t know if they will a second, even if it just a tease. Solid effort from Magnus who needed every spotlight he can get going into the big main event tonight, but the fans just aren’t buying it. I don’t know if it was wise for Jeff Hardy to put in this spot. At least someone like Roode could get enough heat where the fans would care without Dixie Carter in every promo.))
-Commercial Break-
Jeremey Borash is standing outside a conference room and talks about the Feast or Fired being revealed tonight. Chavo Guerrero talks about there being a 75% chance of him winning a title, and he feels good about his chances. Zema Ion strolls on screen and does the horn sound he does on his turntable and asks why no one has asked about how he feels. Chavo said there’s a 100% chance he will get knocked out if he does that again. They both go in the conference room.
2 out of 3 Falls: Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode
Side head lock to start the match and the two exchange quick pin attempts before reaching a stalemate. The two tie up again and this time Angle cinches in the side headlock before Roode rebounds off the rope and eats a shoulder block. Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but Roode counters. Roode goes for a fireman’s carry, but Angle slides out. Angle goes for the Ankle Lock but Roode quickly squirms to the ropes for another stalemate. Roode goes a waist lock, but Angle fights out and cinches in a waist lock of his own. Roode elbows his way out and eats a belly-to-belly suplex. Roode rolls to the outside and Angle goes on the chase with right hands. Roode manages to get a shot in and attempts to ram Angle headfirst into the steel guardrail, but Angle reverses and sends Roode off the steel. Both slide in the ring and Angle gets the three German suplexes. Angle goes for Angle Slam, but Roode fights out. Angle shoves the referee and Roode kicks Angle below the belt line and hits the fireman’s carry neck breaker to win the first fall.
Winner of the First Fall by Pinfall: Bobby Roode
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break. Angle runs right into an elbow by Roode and eats a big suplex. Angle fires back with right hands and flat lines Roode with a series of clotheslines and a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle charges toward Roode, but Roode moves and Angle’s left arm rams right against the steel post. Roode goes for the crossface, but Angle counters into an Angle Slam for the pin.
Winner of the Second Fall by Pinfall: Kurt Angle
Roode tries to escape the arena, but Angle catches him at the ramp and throws him back in the ring before hitting the two suplexes, Roode fighting out of the third. Angle locks in the crossface. Angle leans back and almost pins Roode with a two. Angle tries a landslide, but Roode locks the crossface back in. A “Let’s Go Angle” chant starts as Roode manages to flip over, but Roode breaks out before he gets in a pinning predicament. Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but Roode once again locks in the crossface. Angle breaks free and locks in the Ankle Lock on the middle of the ring. The fans chant “Tap” at Roode, but Angle pulls Roode back to the center of the ring and locks in a crossface of his own. Roode gets out, but eats an Angle Slam for two. Roode tries to go the floor, but Angle again locks the Ankle Lock and pulls Roode to the center of the ring, but Roode rolls through and rolls up Angle and grabs the middle rope for the win.
Winner of the Third Fall by Pinfall, and the Winner of the Match: Bobby Roode
Backtage, Jeremy Borash explains the concept of Feast of Fired in front of the conference room beside Gunner and James Storm and asks Gunner about the way he retrieved his case last week. Gunner said that he and Storm knew the rules and Storm would have done the same thing. Borash asked Storm if he would and Storm hesitated before telling Gunner “I hope your little gamble paid off.” Gunner asks what that’s supposed to mean, but Storm reiterates that he might be fired. Gunner stated “Maybe, Maybe not” and walks in the conference room with Storm shaking his head and following him in.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Roode and Angle have another good match, but it was too short for my liking, especially being two out of three falls. Maybe if they cut some of this backstage crap out like Feast or Fired or the long opening promo on what’s supposed to be a PPV quality special, they could find more time for two of the best wrestlers in TNA to actually wrestle.))
-Commercial Break-
Angle is asked what happened out there and Angle says that he doesn’t know. “He didn’t outwrestle me, he outsmarted me. He’s outsmarted me since Bound for Glory and no one has outsmarted me.” Angle is asked if Roode really has Angle’s number and Angle says that his pride won’t admit that but he doesn’t know.
A video package highlights Madison Rayne’s longtime friendship with TNA Knockouts Champion Gail Kim. Madison states in the voice over that Gail ruined their friendship.
Outside the Conference Room, EC III tells Jeremy Borash that he stills owes him a match, just not tonight. Jeremy asks Ethan about the cases, stating that it’s either the World Championship or the pink slip. EC III states that the only pink slip the Carter’s know about are ones to cars, and if all else fails “I know the people who own this place” and nudges Borash. Ethan’s phone rings and his ring tone is his entrance music. Funny. It’s Dixie and after he walks into a hallway and the stalker cam comes on, we can magically hear Dixie, or he put it on speaker phone (and I highly doubt the latter.) Ethan asks about the case, but Dixie says that even she doesn’t know what’s inside of them and if he gets a pink slip, she doesn’t know what to do.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Why were we able to hear Dixie on the phone. I love TNA trying to think outside of the box with these cameras, but if we could hear Dixie why not have it in a private office or something and have it on speaker phone or some logical explanation.))
-Commercial Break-
Taz complains about TNA camera’s eavesdropping on EC III’s call as Eric Young comes out. Young says that last week he dropped a landmine on Park and asks him to come out. Park obliges as Taz and Tenay debate whether or not he’s Abyss. Eric leads the crowd in saying that “You are Abyss.” Park says that the past week is a blur, but his name is Joseph Park. Eric Young says that he busted Park open and Abyss came out. Park reiterates that he’s not Abyss. EY announces that next week Park will face Bad Influence in his match: Monster’s Ball. Park says that that’s his brother’s match and EY states that this is a two part experiment and has three presents for him.
The first one is a really badly wrapped Steel Chair, the second is the bag of tacks and the third one is barbed wire. Park starts to freak out and says that he appreciates that, but this does nothing for him and the answer is still no. EY calls himself one of the most entertaining men in pro wrestling and as a great showman, he saved the best for last and has one more gift underneath the ring on the right side. Park goes under the ring to get it and its Janice (the piece of wood with all the nails in it) with a red bow on top. The crowd starts a “Janice” chant and Park says that he’ll do it. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m honestly surprised that crowd remembered Janice. She doesn’t look very happy, but she’s a piece of wood with nails in it. They’ve dragged on the Joesph Park thing for long enough, but they way Abyss has been used on a regular basis, I’d rather see the Park character than Abyss. Such a tough choice.))
Backstage in the conference room, EC III, Chavo Guerrero, Gunner, and Zema Ion are sitting at a table with their cases. They will be unveiled…next!
-Commercial Break-
A replay of Jeff Hardy freaking out earlier plays. Backstage Samoa Joe states that Hardy doesn’t look normal and asks if what Magnus said was true. Hardy acts really sensitive and Joe says he understands that people take shortcuts, but he never thought Hardy would. Apparently he forgot about all of 2011. Hardy said that no one is getting an explanation and walks out.
It’s time for the unveiling of the Feast of Fired cases. Dixie Carter comes in the room and EC III stands up and applauds her. Dixie brags about coming up with amazing concepts like Feast or Fired and the Wheel Dixie and Gunner shakes his head no. Jermey Borash states that only the law firm of Smith and Weston know what is inside the cases. Zema Ion gets an X Division Championship match; Gunner gets a World Championship shot. It’s down to EC III and Chavo Guerrero. Chavo is asked about his final words, and Chavo states that he is confident that he has a World Tag Team Title shot, and no matter what, he is still a Guerrero. EC III states that “just like he will never lose, he will never be fired.” Sting comes in Dixie Carter isn’t happy at all. Apparently Sting isn’t happy either as he runs down Dixie Carter for what she’s doing to TNA. He states that he feels kind of bad for EC III being put in this predicament with “your legacy on the line” and then says that he gags at the thought of EC III and legacy in the same sentence. Sting talks about the Guerrero legacy and how they had to fight for everything they got. Chavo just had to butt in and say he worked twice as hard as anyone else. Sting offers to take the case and what’s inside of it in exchange for one match with EC III. Ethan ponders for a moment but decides to take what’s in the case. The cases are opened and EC III has a shot at the World Tag Team Championships while Chavo gets the boot from TNA. EC III and Dixie hug while Chavo looks distraught.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Feast or Fired is one of TNA’s worst concepts, but I like the way they handled this segment. First by doing it backstage where the live crowd couldn’t tear it to shreads. I also loved how Dixie reiterated that she didn’t know what were in the cases, so it looked like there was a chance that EC III could walk away with a pinkslip. Gunner winning the World Title shot was a shock, just because I thought EC III was going to get it or the pink slip. Glad that Chavo is gone from TNA. He just didn’t click. They had him team as the third rehash of Mexican America with Hernandez and it didn’t work, he was a challenger a few times for the X Division Championship and that didn’t work either. Chavo is a great worker, but without Eddie or Vickie doing the talking for him he’s just uninteresting.))
-Commercial Break-
Madison Rayne and ODB vs. TNA Knockouts Champion Gail Kim and Lei’d Tapa
Madison Rayne starts the match with Lei’d Tapa and this is Rayne’s first match since December 10th of last year due to her pregnancy. Rayne is easily overpowered by Tapa and ODB is tagged in. The two start trading right hands in the corner and Tapa connects with a punch to the midsection and a slam. The Knockouts Champion tags in and delivers a kick to the gut and a corner clothesline. Tapa tags back in and uses the ropes to choke ODB. Kim goes to work on ODB, but Rayne manages to get tagged in. Rayne gets a few shots in on Kim before Tapa grabs her. ODB tries to grab Tapa, but is sent out to the floor. ODB retaliates by pulling Tapa out to the floor. Kim and Rayne are left in the ring and Rayne is clotheslined by her former BFF. Kim yells trash at Madison, but gets caught with a backslide and Madison gets the win!
Winners by Pinfall: Madison Rayne and ODB
Backstage, Sting walks up to Jeff Hardy. Hardy asks if this is going to be a lecture, but Sting tells him it won’t be. Sting states that he knows what it’s like to be second guessed and while Hardy doesn’t owe Sting, Magnus or any of the wrestlers an explanation, he does owe it to every Creature of the Night. Hardy tells Sting that he doesn’t understand what’s going on, but Sting pats him on the shoulder and says that he does before walking off.
((Jarrett’s Jab – For Madison’s first match in a year and having a baby, she was impressive! I assume this starts the set up for Madison challenging Gail for the title and it should be fun as long with all the history they can play into. That video package was just the tip of the iceberg. And Sting is right; in fact he may be the most secondguessed wrestler of all time! The rumors of Sting going into the nWo, the whole leadup to Immortal back in 2010 just to name two of the big times he was second guessed. I feel that they’re trying too hard to hint that Hardy is going to turn and it’s going to be a swerve. And Hardy is much better in backstage segments like this than long promos in front of a crowd.))
-Commercial Break-
Impact 365 video plays from earlier this week Rockstar Spud apologizing to Dixie Carter for not bringing back the World Title after going to Gainesville. Dixie tells him that AJ is digging himself into more and more legal problems and to contact someone to make a new belt.
((Jarrett’s Jab – And sending your assistant to break into someone’s home and steal from them isn’t a big legal mess? With these 365 videos, they should really try to make what they say make some sense.))
Jeff Hardy comes out and decides to give everyone an explanation. He’s made a lot of mistakes and while he wishes he could change them, it’s what made him who he is. He said that Magnus talks about Hardy taking the short-cut to become the World champion but we all know how it ended at Victory Road 2011 (when he came out either drunk or high out of his mind and had a 95 second match with Sting that was a slap in the face to TNA.) He did meet with Dixie Carter and he thought about his past and his family and his daughter and why he does what he does. He said he loves to entertain the creatures in the ring. Carter wanted to corrupt him, but that would mean that Carter owns him. No one owns him or the creatures. He told her to take her big money and stick it. “Just like AJ Styles, I’m going to win the title and represent it the way it’s supposed to be represented.”
Dixie Carter’s music started and she came to the ring, stopping him. Carter said that if he wants to compare himself to AJ Styles and they can compare them right now – just like AJ, everything that Hardy has and everything his family has, he owes to Dixie. She said that supported him when he had problems. He tries to thank her for that, but Dixie goes ballistic and yells to never interrupt her again. She was the only one who didn’t abandon him unlike all of the fans. She states that he could join AJ in the unemployment line and who would sell his music album, his paintings, t-shirts, and other merchandise. She said that Hardy needs her more than she needs him. She told him to do what was best for her company and not his family. She announces that the match is so huge that she is going to be ringside to get a good view of HER new champion.
The rules to Dixieland, which were released on twitter during the commercial break is that you have to escape the cage from the top, and use a ladder to retrieve the title on the ramp. Jeremy Borash does the old school introductions in the middle of the ring. The cage door is locked by Brian Hebner and the bell sounds.
Dixieland Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Hardy vs. Magnus
Magnus and Hardy start with right hands and Magnus hit’s a uppercut on Hardy in the corner. Hurricanrana by Hardy and Hardy catapults onto Magnus and hits the ten rights in the corner. Hardy looks like he missed the mule kick int her corner and pulls him up before ramming elbows into his midsection. Hardy rebounds off the ropes but gets caught with a big clothsline by Magnus. Magnus makes the first attempt to climb the cage, but instead of climbing out, he misses the big elbow from the top rope. Hardy tries to climb out, but Magnus catches him and the two trade elbows on the top rope. Hardy slams Magnus face first into the steal to knock him to the mat and then misses the Swanton from the top rope. Magnus starts the slow climb over the cage and Hardy catches him and pulls the leg and starts elbowing him as EC III is shown on stage (in wrestling gear for some weird reason, despite being shown in a suit thirty minutes ago and not wrestling tonight.)
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Jeff Hardy is half way out through the camera hole in the cage. Magnus pulls him in, but eats a big kick and the leg drop to the privates. Magnus manages to get up, but gets taken down by a flying forearm. Hardy starts to climb out opposite of the stage, but Magnus grabs Hardy’s legs. Hardy kicks him off and flies backwards into a springboard splash. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Magnus shoves him off and clips the left leg. Taz and Tenay rave about how smart it is while Taz notes that takes out 85 percent of Hardy’s arsenal. Magnus locks in the “Kingswood Cloverleaf” as Taz calls it for a moment before Magnus starts the climb up the cage. Hardy grabs his leg and drags him to the floor and Magnus hits a big flapjack before going up top for the elbow drop. Both men get to their feet at the same time and Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind. Hardy manages this time to actually get to the top of the cage, but instead of getting out, Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind from the top of the cage. After three replays of the move, both men are down on the mat.
Magnus manages to climb down the side and EC III tries to stop Magnus from reaching the floor, but Magnus kicks him off as it’s shown that Hardy already has escaped. EC III goes for the One Percenter on Magnus on the floor, but Hardy drills him with a right hand and hits the Twist of Fate. The two start brawling outside the cage and Magnus tries to crawl up the ramp with Hardy grabbing his leg. Magnus kicks him off and makes it almost to the top of the ramp before Hardy catches him with the Twist of Fate. Dixie and Hardy have a stare off at the top of the ramp. Dixie tells Hardy “over my dead body” and Hardy yells and takes his shirt off before throwing it at Dixie. Hardy reaches the top of the ladder, but Rockstar Spud tips the ladder over and Hardy has a vicious fall on the ramp. Tenay pleads on commentary for Magnus not to do it this way, but Magnus does anyway and unhooks the World Title.
Winner of the match and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Magnus
EC III, Dixie Carter, Rockstar Spud, and Magnus celebrate as the show cuts to credits.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Glad that Magnus walked out of this the World Champion, but TNA has a huge uphill job to make him and keep him credible. Just because they put a title on him, doesn’t mean that fans will care. Just ask Chavo Guerrero, Crimson, or Devon. For a special that’s not running against a NFL game, TNA really should have put their best foot forward. They could have saved this Feast or Fired stuff and gave Roode and Angle more time. On a PPV Quality special, there shouldn’t be a long opening promo or more skits than matches. It’s awful enough that the WWE loves to have Triple H give a boring monologue to kick off their PPVs. That’s one thing TNA really shouldn’t copy. I don’t really see why instead of this tournament, TNA didn’t bring back King of the Mountain. They could have accomplished the same goal, and had more people in the match that could lend credibility to Magnus’ victory. Plus people actually knew the rules to that! Despite that, this was a really good match considering the fear I had of this gimmick going in, and Hardy took some pretty nasty bumps. Plus trying to go out of the camera hole was a spot I hadn’t seen before and at least explained why no one has done it! Not a bad episode of Impact and I can’t wait to see what they do with Magnus next week! Be sure to check in on Impact and have a Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate in your homes from all of us at IWHeadlines!))
The best is back! Welcome back, Jarrett!
Welcome back Jarrett, I agree with Joe. Great work as always.
Thanks guys! It’s good to be back.