
Opening Segment
This week’s edition of Impact Wrestling starts with the entrance of the TNA Heavyweight Champion: Kurt Angle. Kurt decides that since Crimson called him out last week, he’s going to call him out this week. Angle told Crimson that he either had a lot of balls or he was a complete jackass. Kurt said he made Crimson go from Amazing Red’s little brother to a somebody. Kurt said he was going to make Crimson famous when he ended his undefeated streak and his career later in the evening. Crimson told Kurt he should respect him but Kurt cut him off and told Crimson that he needs to earn his respect. Crimson said he has no problem doing that and he challenged Angle to try and take him out tonight.
Crimson said when the final bell rings and Crimson is still standing, he will gain Angle’s respect. At that moment, Immortal’s music hit and Gunner, Bully Ray, Scott Steiner, Abyss, and the Jarretts slowly made their way to the ring.
Bully ray asked Crimson if he was serious. He put over Kurt Angle in a big way and Angle jumped in. he told Ray to let him handle it himself and he told Immortal that if anyone got involved in his match tonight, there would be trouble. He told Crimson it’s time to make him famous. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I throw in the towel, the canned heat was pathetic, if you want him to be a heel, give fans a reason to hate him! You’ve given us nothing. So he took out Crimson…who exactly in the normal Impact Wrestling Zone audience cares who that is?))
Backstage, Jackie and ODB talked to velvet about having their back in the ring later tonight. They all agreed to be on good terms when they teamed later in the night.
-Commercial Break-
Bischoff and Hogan were backstage talking to Flair about how they were upset with the stipulation Flair laid down with Sting. Hogan said that tonight they would bury the hatchet with Sting and Hogan begged Flair not to say a word, and Flair agreed.
Mexican America (Sarita and Rosita) and Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky, ODB, and Jackie
ODB rolls her eyes at Velvet’s entrance, but when Velvet turns around ODB puts on a cheeky smile and a thumbs up.
Jackie and Sarita start off with a tie-up. Jackie gets a quick roll-up for two before Sarita gains the advantage with a headlock before tagging in Rosia. Jackie takes advantage of the rookie and tags in Sky, who accidentally hits Jackie. Sky tags ODB, who runs through Rosita with a clothesline, but Rosita slides out of a Razors Edge and tags in Sarita. ODB tags in Velvet and Sarita takes advantage early before tagging Rosita back in. Frequent tags by Sarita and Rosita before Angelina Love gets in for the first time this match to work on Velvet. A pinfall attempt gets broken up by members of both teams and ODB and Jackie brawl with Sarita and Rosita on the outside. Angelina hits the “Break-up Bitch” and Angelina offers Velvet to ODB and Jackie before ODB and Jackie hit her with a double DDT and pulls Velvet over her for a three count.
Winner by Pinfall: Velvet Sky, ODB, and Jackie
Mexican America talk down Angelina, who shoves Sarita into Rosita. Angelina mocks them from the ramp as her old singles theme plays. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I really thought they blew an opportunity to make Velvet and Angelina in the ring mean something. I do like that Angelina was in the match without Winter so I can forget about the god-awful storyline going on there.))
-Commercial Break-
A mystery guy is shown walking backstage, please don’t be Jeff Hardy.
Kash starts stomping on Sorensen to start the match and connects with rights before they start trading rights for a brief time. Kash connect with some crossface forearm shots and a hard backbreaker. Kash hits a suplex for a two count before starting to kick Sorensen’s back and chest. Kash goes for the Money Maker, but Sorensen powers out and explodes with knees and a dropkick for only two. Kash cuts the offense off with a boot and an armbar, but Sorensen comes right back with a swinging neck breaker for two. Sorensen hits a top rope crossbody for a VERY close two. Sorensen goes for a roll-through, but Kash rolls through and pulls the trunks for a three count.
Winner by pinfall: Kid Kash
Christie Hemme interviews Kash. Kash says that the only impact he made was whipping that little boy’s ass. He’s a veteran and Sorensen is a disrespectful punk. Kash talks back to a fan and that prompts Sorensen to walk back down the ramp, only to be held back by security. ((Jarrett’s Jab – A good way to show how important Kash should be taken is by showing that sick Money Maker. Is it just me, or does Jesse Sorensen seems like a cheap face-Alex Riley rip off with the Letterman jacket and the football.))
-Commercial Break-
In Atlanta, Gunner beat Pope by pinfall while Bobby Roode beat RVD by pinfall. It’s shown on the bottom of the screen to see more, go to Crimson is first in 50 points, Bully Ray and Bobby Roode tie in second with 42 points, and James Storm is a close third with 40 points.
Bound for Glory Series: RVD vs. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero
Matt Morgan is on commentary for this Bound for Glory contest. RVD and Pope starts off with a tie-up into a headlock by RVD. Pope hits a suplex, but RVD keeps the headlock applied. Pope tries to bridge back in a pinning predicament and gets two when RVD releases the headlock. RVD goes for Rolling Thunder, but Pope gets the knees up. Pope connects with the bottom of RVDs jaw for a two count. Pope tries to whip RVD, but RVD get RVD in a reverse STF, but Pope gets to the ropes. RVD monkey flips Pope and locks in an abdominal stretch. Pope flips out and hits a sick DDT for only two. Pope goes to the top rope and hits the Jerry Lawler-fist drop. Pope seemed to hurt his knee, and RVD hits a spin kick. Surfboard stretch by RVD, Pope tries to slide out, almost gets pinned, and then taps out.
Winner by Submission: Rob Van Dam.
Rob Van Dam gains ten points with this victory, half of what he lost by DQ. Samoa Joe is shown after the recap and takes out Pope with a leg lock. Devon limps to the ring with a knee brace visible over his jeans. Devon stands by his kids and they plead for him to help Pope. Devon tells them to sit down, shut up, and give him a chair. By the time Devon gets in, Joe slides out and smiles.
-Commercial Break-
Robbie E is shown trying to talk Rob Terry into watching his back. Rob Terry says he’ll think about it.
Gunner is shown talking about the match tonight in a dark hallway. Bully Ray says his specialty is taking out AJ Styles. Scott Steiner yells a lot.
In a dark lit trailer, Sarita and Rosita, steal Angelina Loves phone and beat her up. Winter comes out of nowhere and starts beating them both up. She yanks the blinds from the wall to choke Rosita before Anarquia and Hernandez come in.
In another darkly lit hallway, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan are seen walking together, afterwards the walking boots from earlier. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Would it kill TNA to get better lighting? Three scenes in a row where the lighting was terrible.))
-Commercial Break-
Traci Brooks came in Bischoff’s office and asked if he thought about what she asked. Bischoff said he’s thought a lot about her and since the show is going to be on the road next week, there isn’t a better place to make such a decision. Traci called him a genius and Bischoff asked her to cocktails. Traci asks if he could get a table for three and Bischoff likes the idea. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Hope the third isn’t her husband.))
Hogan and Flair came off to Hogan’s music. Hogan says “the main problem is that they have a problem” and calls Sting out to face the music…brother. Hogan says that Sting is way too much and says enough is enough. Its gone way too far and it has got to end. Hogan says that Sting has “lost all the fries in his happy meal.” Hogan reiterates that Sting is gone and doesn’t Sting want all the little Stingers to look up to Sting like the Hulkamaniacs look up to Hogan. Sting starts to laugh and Hogan says that “maybe him and Bischoff are somewhat to blame.” Hogan says that he has learned from their mistakes and they are going to run it with precision like he’s never seen. Sting he has one condition, Hogan agrees to anything and the condition is “milk and cookies for all. Colorful balloons for all, unicorns and puppy dogs all around. Flowers, I just love flowers Hulkster.” Sting wants Hogan to hug it out, and kisses his cheek and then his lips.
Flair calls Sting a stupid son-of-a-bitch and he’s out of control. Flair says that he’s crazy and he was crazy when Sting was sucking his brothers d**k. Flair says he has the edge because Sting respects Flair too much to go for the kill. Hogan is shown saying his prayers in the background. Sting mocks Flairs elbow and Sting condescendingly complains about being cussed at. Sting says he’ll go through Flair to get to Hogan at Bound for Glory. ((Jarrett’s Jab – The piped-in boos for Hogan was ridiculous; Hearing Sting and Hogan for Bound for Glory in 2011 is worse. By the way, this may be a personal gripe, but I almost lost my lunch at the site of Ric Flair bowing down to Hogan during their entrance. That might have worked for Triple H, but the guy that calls himself God bowing down to someone else is very contradictory and is sickening as a guy that grew up watching Flair.))
-Commercial Break-
AJ Styles makes his entrance in a new shirt and wrestling gear, his shirt noticeably featuring his tattoo. AJ tells Christopher Daniels to come down and get his answer. AJ says he’s not mad, but when he commentated about it a few weeks ago it was out of place. AJ asks why Daniels needs this rematch against him. Daniels says that at Destination X was a great night for the X Division, and he lost. He looked at himself in the mirror and asked if he had what it took to still be in TNA. He said that if he couldn’t compete at a top level, then he would walk away. And Daniels says that he doesn’t know the answer. He said that after everything he’s done, and he’s never asked for much, but he needs to know is it time to hang it up. AJ cuts him off and Daniels is crying against the ropes when a small Daniels chant starts off. AJ tells Daniels to look at him and tells him one more time. Not because he took the bullet for him, but because their friends. AJ extends his hand, and Daniels hugs him. AJ tells him next week and he’s going to kick some Immortal butt. ((Jarrett’s Jab – This is a great segment, but it would have been enhanced with a crowd that was actually awake. Hopefully Huntsville, Alabama is much more alive for their tapings))
Bound for Glory Series No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere Match: Fortune (AJ Styles, James Storm, and Bobby Roode) vs. Immortal (Bully Ray, Gunner, and Scott Steiner)
Fortune runs from the ring and goes right for Immortal and dominate early. AJ is on Ray, Roode on Storm, and Roode on Gunner. Steiner takes a sip of Storms’s beer and spits in Roode’s face. Three referee’s are at ringside and Abyss is looking on from the ramp. Gunner has AJ in the ring and delivers double-arm handle shots to the back before he gets caught with an AJ dropkick for one. Steiner sneaks in from behind and hits a belly-to-belly suplex followed by a headbutt. Roode runs and nails Steiner with a clothesline followed by a leaping one and a snapmare from the middle rope. Ray clotheslines Roode for a two count. Storm kicks Ray from the apron and hits a crossbody for two. Beer Money hit the double team suplex and performs the chant to an actual reaction from the crowd. AJ hits a spinning seaton and looks to have hurt his knee landing on Ray’s head. Storm goes for a pinfall on Gunner for two on the rampway. Roode has Steiner in the back and tries a pinfall for two. Ray bounces AJ’s head off the ring steps. Storm is in the locker room with Gunner while Roode is in the parking lot with Steiner. AJ hits a top-rope crossbody in the ring for two. AJ and Ray start trading right hands before AJ nails Ray with the enzeguri. Gunner is in the ring and and tries to tee off on AJ, but gets blocked. Steiner goes from the crowd and Bully Ray hits the Bubba Bomb for three.
Winner by Pinfall: Bully Ray
Steiner sets up a table and Mister Anderson is seen in the parking lot in a jeep from Tara’s entrance way. Anderson is finally spotted by Gunner, who hits Anderson’s head. Anderson looks pissed off and knocks Steiner off the apron and into a table. Anderson grabs the chain and Bully Ray grabs a chair from the audience. Anderson nails Gunner with his fist (wrapped in the chain), looks at Ray, and then starts hitting Gunner until he’s busted open. Anderson drags Gunner by Steiner and shows his prized heads while Ray freaks out on the apron and Abyss calmly walk to the back. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Not a fan of the match, but loved Anderson’s return. I actually thought this was the end because it’s a nice cliffhanger for next week, but we’ve still got 25 minutes to kill.))
-Commercial Break-
A replay of the ending of the Triple Threat Tag Match plays. Mickie James is backstage and talks about her rematch with Winter next week in Huntsville.
Eric Young is shown in his car ready to meet Scott Baio. Young takes off the TV Title to jump over the fence and then grabs it. Young does some stereotypical spy jumps before walking up behind Baio and showing off the TV Title. Baio makes fun of Young’s shirt and the runs off from him. Young jumps from a tree and pins him in short pink trunks. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I read about this on TMZ, which is the only reason I’m actually trying to watch this. And if you want to see more, be sure to go to
TNA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle vs. Crimson
Jeremy Borash is in the ring to perform the introductions. Some people are actually booing Crimson, and the cameraman zoomed in on them. Luckily the camera angle on Angle mostly focuses on people putting their thumbs down. A tie up leads to Crimson tossing Angle to a corner. Another tie up leads to the same result. Angle tries to outsmart Crimson by ducking a clothesline but Crimson counters the German suplex. Crimson hits Angle with several rights and a forearm smash. Angle knees the head of Angle and hits a neckbreaker for two. Angle slides out and Crimson follows him to the outside, slamming his head on the ring apron and throwing him back in. Crimson tries the Irish Whip, but Angle counters and cuts Crimson’s leg out from under him.
-Commercial Break-
Angle goes for a pinfall for a two count. Angle locks in a overhead arm lock which Crimson is tries to fight out of, but Angle switches to a headlock. Crimson finally powers out and hits a clothesline that knocks them both down. Angle starts stirring at six and gets on his feet at seven. Crimson hits a quick suplex for two. Angle hits a German release suplex and pulls the straps down, but eats a suplex for two. Angle cinches in the Ankle lock with the grape vine and Crimson boots his way out. Angle tries a Angle Slam and Crimson reverses into the Red Sky for two. Samoa Joe jumps Crimson as the ref rings the bell.
Winner by Disqualification: Crimson
Angle and Joe stare off and Angle offers Joe Crimson. Joe puts the boots to Crimson as Angle walks up the ramp. Joe goes for Muscle Buster, but Crimson slides out. Joe is shocked looking back at Crimson.
Tenay and Taz are now shown who hypes up Bischoff’s decision on Knockout Law, Mickie James getting her rematch against Winter, Styles vs. Daniels and the final poll for the Bound for Glory Series will be decided.
Crimson is pissed off and Joe attacks him and rams him into the TV truck. Joe traps Crimson’s injured leg in a chair and jumps on it from a ladder. Joe kicks at the camera man and it cuts to black. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I HATE the backstage interviews, especially in a case like this because they were just in the ring, and the announce team barely took up two minutes, if that. I do like Joe taking Crimson out because it’s obvious he’s not over and him challenging Angle in his homestate would be disastrous.))